Here is the collection of best operating system notes. Click on the desired link to view or download in document format.
- Introduction of Operating System
- Booting Process in Computer
- Functions of Operating System
- Batch, Time Sharing, Distributed Operating System
- Network Operating System
- Real Time Operating System
- Mobile Operating System
- Embedded Operating System
- Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing & Multitasking OS
- Layered Structure of Operating System
- 32bit vs 64bit Operating System
- Thread in Operating System
- Types of Threads in Operating System
- Multithreading in Operating System
- Multithreading Models in Operating System
- What is Kernel
- Monolithic Kernel
- File Management System
- Input Output Management
- Device Management
- Memory Management
- Virtual Memory
- Process Management
- CPU Scheduling
- Process Scheduling
- FCFS Scheduling Algorithm
- SJF Scheduling Algorithm
- Priority Scheduling Algorithm
- Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
- Shortest Remaining Time First Algorithm
- Highest Response Ratio Next Algorithm
- Multilevel Queue Scheduling Algorithm
- Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling