Here you will learn about addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor.
Every instruction is divided into two parts, one part is opcode and another part is operand. Opcode tells the type of operation and operand is the data on which operation is to be performed. The way in which operand is specified in an instruction is called addressing mode. There are four types of addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor that I am sharing in this article.
Also Read: 8085 Microprocessor Architecture
Addressing Modes of 8085 Microprocessor
1. Register Addressing Mode
In this mode the operands are registers of microprocessor. The operation is performed within different registers of the microprocessor. Examples of register addressing mode are given below.
2. Immediate Addressing Mode
In this mode the 8 bit or 16 bit data is specified in the instruction itself as its one of the operand. Examples of immediate addressing mode are given below.
MVI A, 33H
LXI H, 2050H
3. Direct Addressing Mode
In this addressing mode one of the operand is data stored in the memory. The memory address of the data is directly given in the instruction itself. Examples of direct addressing are given below.
STA 3050H
LDA 2345H
4. Indirect Addressing Mode
In this mode also one of the operand is the data stored in the memory. The memory address of the data is specified by the register pair.
STAX B //memory address is specified by BC register pair
LDAX D //memory address is specified by DE register pair
MOV M, C //memory address is specified by HL register pair
This was all about addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor. If you found anything missing or incorrect in about article then please mention it by commenting below.
You guys missed implied addressing mode – It doesn’t require any operand , the data is specified by the opcode itself.