Difference between JSP and Servlet in Java – JSP vs Servlet

In this tutorial I will tell you about difference between JSP and Servlet in Java.

JSP and Servlet are two technologies in Java which are used to create dynamic web pages. Still there are various differences between them which I am sharing below.

Difference between JSP and Servlet in Java – JSP vs Servlet

Difference between JSP and Servlet in Java – JSP vs Servlet

S.No. JSP Servlet
1. JSP is webpage scripting language that is used to create dynamic web pages in Java. Servlets are Java programs that are already complied and are used to create dynamic web pages in Java.
2. In JSP, Java code is written inside HTML code. In Servlet, HTML code is written inside Java code.
3. In MVC architecture, JSP act as a view. In MVC architecture, Servlet act as a controller.
4. In JSP we can create custom tags which can directly call Java beans. Servlet do not provide facility to create custom tags.
5. It is easier to write code in JSP. It is not easier to write code in Servlet.
6. JSP run slower as compared to Servlet because JSP is first converted into Servlet and then executed. Servlet run faster than JSP.
7. JSP is preferred when less data processing is required. Servlet is preferred when more data processing and manipulation is required.


Below I have shared one example. It will help you to clearly understand difference between JSP and Servlet.


JSP Example

	<head><title>Hello World</title></head>
	out.println("Hello World");


Servlet Example

import javax.servlet.http.*;  
import javax.servlet.*;  
import java.io.*;  

public class DemoServlet extends HttpServlet{  
	public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)  throws ServletException,IOException  
		PrintWriter pw=res.getWriter();
		pw.println("Hello World");  


You can comment below if you have any doubts regarding above tutorial for difference between JSP and Servlet in Java.

5 thoughts on “Difference between JSP and Servlet in Java – JSP vs Servlet”

  1. Great article. You provided examples, ulike many others.

    What do people do in industry? For a professional web application worked on by a large team and served on a large scale, what do people do? A combination of servlets and JSP? Surely JSP is too limited for an entire application with complex logic, and servlets are too cumbersome.

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