PL/SQL Program to Find Factorial of a Number

Here you will get pl/sql program to find factorial of a number.

We can calculate factorial of a number by multiplying it with all the numbers below it.

For example factorial of 5 = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.


PL/SQL Program to Find Factorial of a Number

	n number;
	fac number:=1;
	i number;


	for i in 1..n
	end loop;





Enter value for n: 10
old 7: n:=&n;
new 7: n:=10;

14 thoughts on “PL/SQL Program to Find Factorial of a Number”

  1. sivananda ganapathy

    My name is Shiva. I have been lately working in PL/SQL. I have few doubts that I wanna clarify. How to use multiple procedures in same file(.sql format). I get error every time I execute it. But when I copy the same procedure separately in different file, it works. Could you give some examples of the same?

  2. Declare
    Var a := 12;
    Var b := 10;
    If a > b then
    Dbms_output.put_line(‘ a is greater !’)
    Elsif a= b then
    Dbms_output.put_line(‘ Both are equal !’)
    Dbms_output.put_line(‘ b is greater !’)
    End if;

  3. just believe in god and the progran then u can easily perform the program with out any errors others wise u have another solution that is turn east and bend…

  4. I tried it many time but it isn’t show Ans(fraction) PLEASE HELP
    2 n number;
    3 fac number:=1;
    4 i number;
    6 begin
    7 n:=&n;
    8 for i in 1..n
    9 loop
    10 fac:=fac*i;
    11 end loop;
    12 dbms_output.put_line(‘factorial=’||fac);
    13 end;
    14 /
    Enter value for n: 5
    old 7: n:=&n;
    new 7: n:=5;

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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