Python Linear Search

Here you will get program for linear search in python.

Linear search is one of the simplest searching algorithm in which targeted item in sequentially matched with each item in a list. It is worst searching algorithm with worst case time complexity O (n).

Below is its implementation.

Linear Search

Also Read: Python Binary Search

Program for Python Linear Search

items = [5, 7, 10, 12, 15]

print("list of items is", items)

x = int(input("enter item to search:"))

i = flag = 0

while i < len(items):
	if items[i] == x:
		flag = 1

	i = i + 1

if flag == 1:
	print("item found at position:", i + 1)
	print("item not found")


list of items is [5, 7, 10, 12, 15]
enter item to search:12
item found at position: 4

Comment below if you have any queries regarding python linear search program.

8 thoughts on “Python Linear Search”

  1. How can we do this by getting the list values from user input and searching for a number from the list which the user entered and displaying it


    Hey aasif u can use a for loop to get the inputs
    a=int(input(‘enter no of elements’)
    for i in range(0,a):
    c=int(input(‘enter the elements’))

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