Python Program to Check Armstrong Number

Here you will get python program to check armstrong number.

A number is said to be an armstrong number if sum of its digits raised to the power n is equal to itself. Here n is total digits in number.

For example 370 is armstrong number.

Here n = 3, so 33 + 7+ 0= 27 + 343 + 0 = 370

Python Program to Check Armstrong Number

num = int(input("enter a number: "))

length = len(str(num))
sum = 0
temp = num

while(temp != 0):
	sum = sum + ((temp % 10) ** length)
	temp = temp // 10

if sum == num:
	print("armstrong number")
	print("not armstrong number")


enter a number: 370
armstrong number

Comment below if you have any queries related to above program for armstrong number in python.

14 thoughts on “Python Program to Check Armstrong Number”

    1. “==” in programming this symbol means “is equal to” same way “=!” means “not equal to”
      so if temp is not equal to 0 execute the below code.

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