Neeraj Mishra

A crazy computer and programming lover. He spend most of his time in programming, blogging and helping other programming geeks.

Bubble Sort in C

Here you will learn about program for bubble sort in C. Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm in which each element is compared with adjacent element and swapped if their position is incorrect. It is named as bubble sort because same as like bubbles the lighter elements come up and heavier elements settle down. …

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Simple program to create a moving car in graphics

#include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> void main() { int gdriver=DETECT,gmode,i=0,j=0; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,”c:\turboc3\bgi”); for(i;i<420;++i) { line(0,245,650,245); line(0+i,200,210+i,200); line(50+i,200,70+i,170); line(70+i,170,140+i,170); line(140+i,170,160+i,200); line(85+i,170,85+i,200); line(125+i,170,125+i,200); line(0+i,200,0+i,230); line(210+i,200,210+i,230); line(0+i,230,50+i,230); circle(65+i,230,15); line(80+i,230,130+i,230); circle(145+i,230,15); line(210+i,230,160+i,230); pieslice(65+i,230,359-j,360-j,15); pieslice(65+i,230,179-j,180-j,15); pieslice(65+i,230,89-j,90-j,15); pieslice(65+i,230,269-j,270-j,15); pieslice(145+i,230,359-j,360-j,15); pieslice(145+i,230,179-j,180-j,15); pieslice(145+i,230,89-j,90-j,15); pieslice(145+i,230,269-j,270-j,15); if(j==179) j=0; ++j; delay(30); cleardevice(); } closegraph(); }

C Program to Insert an Element in an Array

Here is the simple C program to insert an element in a one dimensional array. The array should be in ascending order.   Output Enter size of array:6 Enter the array in ascending order: 1 2 4 5 6 7 Enter element to insert:3 Array after inserting element:1 2 3 4 5 6 7