
C Program to Add Two Numbers

Here you will get simple C program to add two numbers. User will input two numbers, then their sum will be calculated and finally it will be printed on screen. The program is given below. C Program to Add Two Numbers  #include<stdio.h> int main() { int a,b,sum; printf(“Enter first number:”); scanf(“%d”,&a); printf(“Enter second number:”); scanf(“%d”,&b); …

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C++ Program To Print ASCII value of Digits,Uppercase and Lowercase Alphabates

#include<conio.h>#include<iostream.h>#include<dos.h>#include<process.h> void main(){ clrscr(); char ch,a[]={“Made By : Neeraj Mishra”}; int j=0; cout<<“Uppercase Alphabatesnn”; for(int i=65;i<91;++i) { j++; ch=i; cout<<ch<<“:”<<i<<“t”; if(j==10) { cout<<“n”; j=0; } } j=0; cout<<“nnnLowercase Alphabatesnn”; for(i=97;i<123;++i) { j++; ch=i; cout<<ch<<“:”<<i<<“t”; if(j==10) { cout<<“n”; j=0; } } cout<<“nnnDigitsnn”; for(i=48;i<58;i++) { ch=i; cout<<ch<<“:”<<i<<“t”; } cout<<“nnnntt”; for(i=0;a[i]!=’’;++i) { cout<<a[i]; sleep(1); } exit(0);}

C++ Program to Find ASCII value of a character

#include<iostream.h>                #include<conio.h> void main(){ clrscr(); char ch,c; int cha; cout<<“Enter a character:”; cin>>ch; cha=ch; cout<<“nASCII value of “<<ch<<” is “<<cha; c=ch+1; cha=c; cout<<“nAdding one to the character:”<<“nASCII value of “<<c<<” is “<<cha; getch();}