In order to achieve a very reputable Oracle Certified Associate, or OCA credential, an aspiring database administrator has to pass the Oracle 1Z0-052 certification exam. It’s true that Oracle Certified Associates are preferred by the hiring managers over the candidates without this certificate. The OCA certification acts as a document that shows that you have the fundamental skills and knowledge for dealing with the Oracle Database 11g. To get this credential, you have to pass the Oracle 1Z0-052 test, and only then you will be able to prove your skills over the Oracle Database 11g. If you are determined enough for getting the OCA certification as soon as possible, then you should start your preparation right now. This 1Z0-052 review from PrepAway will reveal the actual value of the Oracle OCA credential.
What’s the real value of the OCA certification?
Oracle is a big name in the IT sphere, and OCA professionals are preferred over the other candidates when it comes to hiring in this industry. If you want to improve your career, then you should pass the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam and get the OCA certification as soon as possible. The professionals holding this credential are always high in demand, and many businesses often look for such employees. Increase your chances of getting selected for a perfect job position as a professional database administrator in a reputed company by showing your OCA certification. The only thing between you and this credential is the exam itself that it is not so easy to pass. Therefore, let’s take a look at the details of the 1Z0-052 exam, its prerequisites, and preparation tips.
Who can take the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam?
This certification test is mainly for the expert Oracle Database 11g administrators who want to improve their professional career in their respective organizations. The Oracle Database professionals can get more salary hikes simply by becoming certified by the company. As all database administrators are in demand, it is highly recommended that you obtain this credential to prove your skills in this particular area. The main prerequisite for becoming eligible for the OCA certification is passing the tough Oracle 1Z0-052 exam. This certificate will act as proof of your in-depth knowledge and skills for supporting different Oracle core products. Any database administrator will benefit from passing the1Z0-052 exam and getting the credential associated with it.
The exam details that every candidate should know
Oracle 1Z0-052 test lasts for a total of 90 minutes. Usually, Oracle does not publicize the exact number of questions included in the exam, but according to the previous test takers, it usually does not exceed 70. The passing score for this exam is 66%. The candidates have to reach this score to be eligible for getting the certificate. All the questions included in the test are of the multiple-choice format. This means that every question is followed by a number of possible answers, usually four. While some questions have only one correct answer, the others may be trickier and include several answers, so you have to be really careful while taking the test. If you want to view the passing score policy for the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam, then you can visit the official website of Oracle, where you will get all the important information regarding this certification. Also, this platform may keep you updated with the help of notifications about the latest exam changes.
Preparation tips for the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam
Is this your first certification exam? Through it may seem a little tough, you can pass it easily if you are well-prepared. The following preparation tips will be of great help by making you more confident and knowledgeable.
- Take practice tests online
It’s important that you put the same effort into practicing as you did while studying the exam topics from PrepAway Oracle 1Z0-052 practice test. As soon as your preparation, you are encouraged to start taking online practice tests. Also, keep looking for the answered questions of the previous exams. Believe it or not, but this PrepAway training will help you greatly in the actual certification test!
- Checking the exam details first
Go to the official Oracle certification site and find all the necessary details regarding the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam. Before you start preparing for it, it’s very important that you know what to expect, how the test is conducted, and other potentially important information. Otherwise, you will have difficulties in obtaining the certificate.
- Go through the test topics thoroughly
You should know the exam topics before starting your preparation. Check them out in a detailed manner at official Oracle website and at PrepAway as well and try to understand what skills are required from you to tackle the questions. Study one exam topic at a time and proceed to the next one only when you are confident enough. Nevertheless, do not omit the topics that seem irrelevant to you, as you never know what questions will be included in the test.
- Take notes while you prepare
You can plan the entire preparation stage and make a strict schedule to follow. While studying with PrepAway, you can take short notes, so that you can revise them before the actual exam day. This is the most preferred technique to complete your revision in the shortest possible time!
- Don’t skip questions
The exam does not have negative scoring, so try not to leave a single question unanswered. Even if you don’t know the correct answer, make a blind guess, as this may help you in achieving the passing score. If you have no idea which option to choose, pick any at random and move on. PrepAway also strongly recommends not to waste your time while guessing and focus on completing the entire exam within the time limit. As there is no negative scoring, you should take advantage of it and answer each and every question!
The Oracle Certification Program is mainly for the database administrators. The OCA credential helps the hiring companies in identifying the best candidates, as it guarantees the individual’s skills and abilities to manage Oracle databases. The candidates of the 1Z0-052 exam should prepare well to get the Oracle Certified Associate certification. With a proper preparation, nothing is impossible!