15 Facts That Only Programmers Know And Most People Don’t
The root is at the top of the tree.

Counting starts from zero, not one.

A parent may kill its children if the task assigned to them is no longer needed.

Most of the hacking scenes in movies are complete bullshit.

When you format your hard drive, the files are not deleted.

That ‘=’ != ‘==’.

That Windows desktop’s “Refresh” button is not some magical tool which keeps your computer healthy.

That 1 Mbps and 1 MBps internet connection don’t mean the same thing.

The value of a semicolon ;

“|” key is not useless.

A programmer is one who deals with algorithms and design principles, not the one who repairs a computer.

That there is a thing called “Constant Variable”.

Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V have saved more lives than Batman and Robin.

You can never watch or listen to anything on the internet without having it copied to your computer first.

Sleeping with a problem, can actually solve it.

is this a amazing facts…thanks
Thread And String Are not Same for programmers.
Ctrl + Y and Ctrl + Z makes us feel safe; not Anti viruses.